Lately, I have been blogging regularly. However, I have still managed to accumulate a backload of blogs-I-want-to-post.* I'm going to attempt to post these blogs and simultaneously empty my backlog in one sitting,** wish me luck.***
First of all, I HAVE to post about The Office Convention.****
It was very cool.
I was expecting it to be a geek convention, full of nerds. While it was, by definition, a geek convention. There were a lot of cool people there. Namely, THE CAST. I HIGH-FIVED AT LEAST HALF A DOZEN OF THEM.
The whole town of Scranton, PA got in on the action. In fact, a funeral home even participated!
As has been my tradition over the last several months, I slept in late that Saturday(October 27). Unfortunately, this included hitting the snooze bar and sleeping a couple hours past my alarm. Which, consequently, resulted in me arriving late to the Cast Q&A.
Luckily, I didn't really miss any of the Q&A. I just didn't have a very good vantage point. It was cool to see the actors as themselves, rather than their characters. Andy isn't an idiot, Angela isn't mean, Kevin sounds nothing like his character, and Stanley smiles. Some of my favorite parts of the Q&A were when Andy (Ed Helms) had to sing his response. There were several of these. Some of them practically required an answer in the form of a song, for example, one question was, "Can you finish this sentence, 'Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that...?" To which, Andy/Ed's resposne was, of course, "football cream!"****** He was a good sport, and over the course of the Q&A sang, "Take a Chance on Me," and "Rainbow Connection." Very entertaining.
After the Q&A, there was a Look-Alike Contest. There were some great costumes. This vending machine, complete with "Dwight K. Schrute" nameplate, was clever and original.
Even from the back, you can tell that this couple is a good Jim & Pam. If I recall correctly, they both won.
Dwight: The guy at the mike did a pretty good Dwight impersonation. Can you tell from the photo?
Angela: Look closely, there's a dead ringer.
Cast members/contest judges:
Mose. Again - look for the candidate with the edge:
The Look-Alike contest was followed by a Scrantones concert. The Scrantones is the band that plays the show's theme song. But this concert also featured cast members! Yay!
Meredith started out the post-contest-concert by ROCKING THE HOUSE:
Then Meredith and Creed rocked together:
And Creed waled on the guitar:
Some chick sang a song called, "My heart belongs to Stanley":
Ed Helms sang a few different songs, including "Werewolves of Scranton."
Melora Hardin (aka Jan) can actually sing quite well and has an album out.
Darrell rocked out with Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy"
Kevin sang Roxanne.
Oscar gave the people some love. Incidentally, note how close these people are to the stage. I was there. I was that close to the stage. You know all these pictures that I've posted? My zoom is not that great - that's just how close I was. As I mentioned earlier, I high-fived quite a few of the cast members. This is because I was right next to the stage. A minute later, Oscar moves to his left and that is me high-fiving him. Oh yeah.
Then the whole gang came out on the stage to close the show with the theme song.
It was a little bit surreal being in such close proximity to actors that I watch on TV every week. It's still a little bit weird to see them on TV, now that I've seen them in person. Am I starstruck? I don't know. I realize they're ordinary people. But this was the first time that I've actually seen stars up close in person.
It was cool, too, to see how amazed they seem to be at the whole "The Office" phenomenon. They all seemed very grateful to the fans and excited to be a part of it.
So, I guess I'm going to have to pause the Blog-o-Rama. It's now 1:00 am. Oops. To be continued...
*These are blogs that I plan to post, take pictures for, promise to post, mentally compose, and/or dream up during a moment of inspiration.
**By "one sitting," I mean "one period of time in which I surf the web, watch TV, buy stuff online, balance my finances, and sit."
***I don't believe in luck. I believe in providence and the will of God. I also believe that there is such a thing as coincidence. But it's more convenient to say,"wish me luck." Is it awful to say that I believe in convenience?
****If nothing else, for the sake of Victoria, my (according to comments) only faithful reader.***** I love you, Victoria.
*****Yes, other readers, I know you are out there. I'm attempting to goad you into leaving comments. Soon I will be in Korea and will rely on comments for sustenance (in addition to food, naturally). Victoria, I still love you.
******If you don't get this joke, go watch The Office. There really isn't much point in continuing to read this blog.