Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ain't No Party Like a Scranton Party

Scranton, PA is a mere 90 miles from where I live. How can I not go?

*Edit*10/25 - This was going to be a comment in response to Victoria's comment, but I decided it fit better as a blog addendum.

Yes! I'm going! I started to reconsider because I couldn't find anybody to go with me. But Jonathan persuaded me that it was worth going to alone.
Then I started to reconsider again because I checked out the website and it looked like it might not be as nerdy as I thought (part of the draw is the people watching)* and I wasn't really sure what I would do. But I did a little more looking around and found a couple of options,** and your (Victoria's) comment persuaded me that I can't miss the opportunity when I'm so close!*** Plus, what's this hangup that I have about going places alone? I don't have a problem moving to a new country by myself, but I need to have a friend go with me for a day trip? Weird. Time to get over that.

P.S. According to the website, pretty much all of the cast (except the big four: Michael, Dwight, Jim, and Pam) will be there. That should be pretty cool.

*Part of me wants to go because I'm a nerd and part of me wants to go to see people that are even nerdier than me (i.e. those who will come dressed up like their favorite characters and can quote entire episodes).
**I'm going to go to the Cast Q&A and the Character Look-alike Contest. I may see the Office Olympics Awards, too.
*** seems that I am easily persuaded.


Victoria said...

OH MY GOODNESS you have to go and im so jealous. AHH. I want to go to scranton!
do you think they actually film it there? what if you see jim? WHAT IF yoU SEE STEVE CARREL? IUBISfISNILufafian im excited and im not even going. man, don't pass out.

Victoria said...

dued thats wicked exciting! i want a full post with pictures when you get back!