Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Feast or famine

When it rains, it pours, folks. I am currently blogging from Starbucks; I start work in half an hour. I signed up with T-mobile last night so that I can use the internet here before work. I did this because: 1) I'm tired of not being connected to the internet at home and accessing it from work is the next best thing. 2) Since I work for Starbucks, it only costs me half of what it costs The Average Joe. 3) I have about two hours between work at my second job and work at Starbucks, and I hate to waste time going home.

My second job? Oh yes, that's right, I haven't told you about my second job because I haven't had time. heh heh heh

I've been struggling to get enough hours at Starbucks for the last couple of months, and finally I decided maybe I should just get a second job. So, I stopped in at Thorbecke's to find out if there were any opportunities for me there. I figured that since they all know me and I worked there for almost 2 years, if they had any openings, they would hire me back. I was right. The Chehalis Thorbecke's has a little café which delivers lunch to local businesses every morning during the week. It's really nice for doctor's offices and places where they can't really get away. So the lunch run shift is from 9:30-12:30 every day. Fifteen hours a week sounded just right for me since I tend to be scheduled for about 25 hours per week at Starbucks. So we planned on me starting when I got back from New Jersey. I started last Thursday and everything is going well so far except for the fact that while I was in NJ, a bunch of people at Sbux quit. So now I'm working 40 hours a week at Sbux and 15 hours a week at Thorbecke's. Ironic, yes? If we get out of work on time, I'm home around 11:30 at night, then I leave the next morning shortly after 9:00. I hope this doesn't last long. Anyone looking for a job at Starbucks?

P.S. Clearly I am experiencing a time of feasting now, rather than famine. In more ways than one- in addition to getting free coffee at Starbucks all the time, I get a free meal every day at the restaraunt...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Jessica is a blogger!

It's finally here! The moment we've all been waiting for! Jessica has a blog!

Well? What are you still doing here? Go check it out!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

"Posty post post poster"*

Today I'm off to find a Starbucks. The closest one is about 15 minutes away, so that's not too bad. While the motivation behind my mission may seem obvious, I actually have a few reasons for going:

1) I need some good coffee. Period. That statement needs no explanation.

2) I get a free pound of coffee per week and I haven't picked it up yet this week.

3) I need to become more familiar with the area and be able to find my way around.

4) The kids are gone at camp for over 8 hours and there really isn't that much I need to do while they're gone, so why not?

In other news, I went out with Christin night before last - it was so good to see her! It has been about 3 years since the last time I saw her. She only lives about 20-30 minutes from me, so I'm excited about that.

I guess that's it for now, I don't really have a lot to say but I figured I would post anyway.** Here's the question of the day: If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it?

* Stembokas, Victoria. "Post." I'm Not Really Victoria. 9 July 2006. 9 Aug 2006.
**See Reason #4

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Bi-monthly Update

Hey folks. I'm back. Yes, I know, it has been nearly 2 months since my last post. I was going to apologize, but then I glanced at my last 5 posts and took note that there is nary a comment. So I owe you nothing. Ha. Didn't see that one coming, did you?

But out of the goodness of my heart, I'm going to post anyway. My last post was just one week prior to moving back down to C-town. I moved in with Julianna for a month, which was Fun Times. However, she does not have wireless internet (gasp!), so I was forced to utilize a dinosaur that lives in her house which she passes off as a computer. Add sporadic connectivity to the above-mentioned dinosaur, and you have a recipe for blog famine.

By mid-July, Julianna needed the extra bedroom back, so I moved to a cozy nook underneath an overpass. Well, that was the plan, anyway. But then I found out that my dear friend Hannah was moving into a little 2-bedroom house and she didn't have a roommate. So I moved in with her. This has also been Fun Times. Although we don't see each other nearly enough due to our busy schedules, it's fun to have her as a roommate. However, we do not have internet access (double gasp!), so I rarely even check my email, let alone blog.

So those are my excuses for not blogging, what are your excuses for not commenting?

Right now, I am neither at Julianna's house, nor at Hannah's house, nor at that lovely spot under the overpass. I am in North Jersey (not to be confused with South Jersey - two different worlds, people).

I got here yesterday and I'll be here for a couple of weeks working as a nanny/household manager while the current one is on a trip to Europe. If everything goes well (and I believe it will), I will be moving back here in late October/early November.

So that's basically what has been going on in my life for the last couple of months. I'll probably be blogging more over the next couple of weeks.

*Hint* If you want to hear more from me - feedback helps :)