Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sweet Hearts

Somehow I've managed to let 3 weeks slip by without updating my blog... Didn't realize that until just now. So much for me updating weekly, huh? In my defense, I have been busy with midterms and papers. In fact, a paper is the reason I am here right now. I have just one more to write, and then I'll have a break for a couple of weeks.

I said that a paper is the reason that I am blogging, and it is...sort of. More to the point, it is the avoidance of the writing of said paper that has compelled me to restore hope in my faithful readers who return day after day with bated breath to get a glimpse into my life. Well, here's a tidbit.

While employing one of my many other avoidance techniques, I came across an interesting article in the UW's student newspaper. The title was, "Valentine's Doom." The article basically bemoaned the plight of a single person on Valentine's Day - not really anything new. It was an entertaining piece, though, and one part in particular made me laugh. The writer brought up the topic of Sweet Hearts - you know, those little candy hearts with messages on them like, "Be Mine," "True Love," etc. She said that she thought it would be nice if someone came up with Sweet Hearts for singles. They could have messages like, "One is Fun," "You're Just Not That Into Anyone," and "Being a Nun Wouldn't Be So Bad." I thought it was hilarious, and not a bad idea. Someone should really do it. I'd buy them. Somehow, though, I'm not sure it would be a great idea to share those with your friends. A person could easily get insulted if given a candy heart that said, "Being a Nun Wouldn't Be So Bad." Well, I think I've procrastinated enough for now. After all, it's after 6 pm here and my 6-page paper is due tomorrow.