Thursday, October 11, 2007

9 1/2 weeks left! or I am a rockstar (Preface)

That's right. It says "preface." This is not a real post. I tricked you.

I really, really want to write a whole post right now. I'm happy and excited and I want to share my news with you. But I'm also exhausted and I really should get to bed. I've slept a total of about 9 hours in the last two nights and if I went to sleep right now, I would get about 6 hours of sleep tonight. But as it is, I will probably be up another hour. Were I to take the time to actually blog right now, it would be even later by the time I went to sleep. See the dilemma?

So for now, I'll just share one little factoid, to whet your appetite:

I am a rockstar.


Victoria said...

yeah rockstars. i need a rockstar picture. a ridiculous one. that can be your guy in the band and i need to find one.. be on the lookout. i will too. then we can form a band and i can play air instruments and you can play that crazy piano guitar.