Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Stewie is the best

I'm watching this week's episode of Family Guy online.
For the first time.
And I paused it just so I could post this clip.

There's a classic Stewie scene in the episode and I was sure that I could find it on YouTube.

I was right.

So I paused the episode, not because I was distracted or found something better to do, but because I instantly loved the scene and wanted to share it.
It is Stewie at his best: sarcastic, patronizing, and sardonic.

This is the reason why Stewie is the best Family Guy character.

Enjoy. (Btw, the other character is supposed to be Colin Farrell)

Now I've got to get back to the episode.

Incidentally, this is the reason why I only sleep about 5 hours/night during the week. By "this," I don't necessarily mean Family Guy. Any one of a number of distractions can hold my attention before 1 am. After 1 am, I start feeling guilty for not being in bed and it has to be fairly captivating to hold my attention. Not extremely captivating, just fairly. Or on live TV (rather than DVD or internet), and consequently, not necessarily accessible when I want it to be.
My alarm goes off at 6:00.

Therefore, as it is now 12:45, I shall bid you adieu and get back to the episode.