Thursday, June 28, 2007

A weekend of firsts*

Okay, so there were really only two firsts. But still - they were milestones!

On Sunday, I had brunch with some friends. It was my first time at IHOP. Momentous, no? I was advised to order the chocolate chip pancakes. So I did. They were tasty.

Did you know that at IHOP, the floors are slanted, so everyone tilts just a little?

Unfortunately, the other milestone wasn't quite so much fun. I got my first ticket. On the way to church. Boo hoo :( I got a ticket for running a red light. Why did I run the red light? I DON'T KNOW. Momentary lapse of judgment. Stop asking.

Okay, the truth is, I lack patience.**

I was just cruising along, minding my own business, obeying all of the traffic laws.
Every traffic sign I saw, I said, "Ok, sign!"***
Then the light ahead of me turned green. There weren't too many cars between me and the light, so there wasn't really a question of whether or not I was going to make it through before it turned red.
Until the car just in front of me started slowing down.
A lot.
For no apparent reason.
As the light turned yellow, I realized that I just might not make it through. Then the car in front of me practically stopped, so I decided to drive around. That's when the light turned red. That's also when I noticed the cop car sitting at a red light on the other side of the intersection.

Sad story, right? Thus ends my ticket-free driving record - 11 years with a license and no tickets! Oh well, whaddaya gonna do?

*Ooops - just realized I forgot to post this! It's actually from 3 1/2 weeks ago!
**Not really, I actually possess vast quantities of patience. I'm just way too humble to tell you that myself.
***Yes, I did steal that line from Dane Cook. It's funny. You wanna fight about it?