Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I'm falling apart

When I decided to go on a 12-day hike in June, I had no idea how long it would take for me to fully recover. After the second day of said hike, I lost patches of skin of about 1-1/2" in diameter from both heels of my feet. Also during the hike, three of my toes were smashed. Two toenails on my right foot were smashed by my too-tight hiking boots (incidentally, also the inspiration for my patented invention, Peel-Away-Skin). One toenail on my left foot was smashed during a fight over whether a certain food item is referred to as a "cookie" or a "biscuit." I won't mention any names, but if you're at all familiar with my hiking companions - it shouldn't be too hard to figure out who I was fighting with. And no, a "ciscuit" is not a good compromise. My heels healed over (hmm...) within a week of finishing the hike, but the skin there is still pink and shiny. My toes, however, are a different story. Within the last week or so, I have lost portions of three different toenails. So, of course, I have pictures to share!

It's kind of weird. I've always been really healthy and never had to go to the hospital for broken bones or other injuries growing up. But during the course of the past year, I've been a wreck. In November, I broke the little toe on my left foot (you can tell by comparison in the above picture that it didn't heal back the same!); in February, I gave myself a mild concussion and bled all over the place; then in June, I destroyed my feet on this hike. So the question of the day is: What is the most memorable injury you've had in the last year? Alternative question of the day: What is the stupidest thing you've ever done to cause injury to yourself? My answer to both questions is the same: The concussion I gave myself in February happened when I stood up quickly, hitting my head on the cupboard door that I had just left open. I unknowingly cut my head on the glass pane and discovered it moments later when blood started dripping on my clothes. This just happened to be right at the beginning of finals, and it unfortunately affected my memory. I got headaches whenever I listened to, read, or spoke Spanish - not a good thing since my classes were taught in Spanish and my finals were given in Spanish. One night I even had to have Kelly explain my own notes to me because I didn't understand them (I had written them all in Spanish). Needless to say, not one of my proudest moments.


Anonymous said...

Devon says "Oops, you broke it".
I have to say the most memorable thing that ever happened to me was when I was on a women's football team and during practice my ex-sister-in-law tackled me and cracked my shoulder blade. I continued to practice for two weeks before I finally went in and had it x-rayed. Didn't even get to play in the football game against another women's team.

Anonymous said...

I don't get hurt very often so I guess I'll answer the second question. One of the dumbest things I've done that resulted in injuring myself was when our MC team went to Spain. We were on this crazy hike (which is in no way any comparison to the hike Marianna went on). We had climbed up to the top to pray over the cities and it had started raining. So, we quickly finished praying and rushed to descend down the mountain. There was one particular part that was fairly steep and on top of that was extremely muddy. I had watched a few girls going down in front of me and they slipped and fell in front of everyone. So I ingeniously thought if I run down I won't slip and fall because of my momentum thus saving me from embarrassment. How wrong I was. On my way down, my upper body started going faster than my lower body and so I pitched forward and flew through the air! Landing at the bottom of the incline and almost sliding over the edge! On my way down I also almost succeed in taking out one of the girls at the bottom. Needless to say it was quite embarrassing and painful. Although I think my pride was more injured than my body.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, Jess, although your little "slip and slide" experience may have been embarrassing and painful (not to mention a bit scary), seeing you go rocketing down that hill on your belly at about eleventy-billion miles per hour was a sight to behold.