Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Free pass on the 2-10

I walked home from work today. That's not such a bad thing in and of itself- it's only a 2 mile walk. The problem is, I drove to work. I worked yesterday from 2:45 pm to 11:15 pm, then today from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. So when I climbed into the Jeep after work today, I was more than ready to go home. The Jeep wasn't. I turned the key and nothing happened. I checked to make sure I hadn't left the lights on - no problem there. But I thought maybe the battery was dead anyway and it wouldn't hurt to try and jump it. So I went back inside to find out if any of my coworkers had jumper cables. A set of jumper cables and a guy to operate them later, there was still no luck. So I walked.

One of my coworkers asked me earlier today if I would switch shifts with her tomorrow. She just started school and somehow her new schedule didn't get into the system at work. So I agreed. I didn't really want to, I was scheduled to work 6 am to 2:30 pm and now I'll be working 12 pm to 8:30 pm (I've really been enjoying the morning shift lately - weird, huh?). But as things turned out, I'm glad I switched. Otherwise it certainly would have brought back some hiking memories when I left my apartment and started walking at 5 am. Well, anyway, hopefully it's something minor. Either way, I need my own car soon. I wish it were as easy to not have a car here as it is in Madrid. Make up your own question of the day.


Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you for walking to work, Marianna. I'm afraid I would have been tempted to call in sick! Of course a 2 mile hike is nothing for you, right?

Cheer up, tho. You will have your own car soon.

Marianna said...

Considering the fact that I don't have much money right now and it's going to cost me to fix the Jeep, it would take a lot more than a 2-mile walk for me to call in sick! But you're right, 2 miles doesn't seem like much to me. I did a whole lot of walking when I lived in Spain. As far as getting my own car is concerned - I can't wait.