Friday, March 30, 2007

Different kinds of pain

Ok, so to finish filling you in on snowboarding - it was so much fun!! I'm really glad I went. I just wish I could have gone more this winter. But I was in a ridiculous amount of pain for the next two days, every muscle in my body was sore and it hurt to move. I knew I would be sore, but it was still surprising. I mean, how did I work my triceps? Then on Tuesday, my neck started hurting. By Tuesday night I was in so much pain that I took 4 ibuprofen and slept on an icepack. Wednesday morning I went to the chiropractor and he took a couple of X-rays then did that stereotypical twist-the-head-really-fast-and-hear-the-neck-crack-a-million-times chiropractic move. It was weird. It helped, though, and I went back on Friday and that helped even more. But my neck is still a little sore. I probably should have gone in again already, but I'm cheap.

Last week would have been a rough week even without the pain, so it certainly didn't help things! My boss had a business trip from Tuesday to Friday, so I had the kids for 4 days straight. And they had half-days! Aaaah!! They did not make things easy on me either. Suffice it to say, I could not wait until Friday. I convinced my friend Jayme (also a nanny) to come dancing with me, then we sat talking at my house until about 4 in the morning! But here's the most shocking part - I then slept until 6:45 pm the next day!!! Unbelievable, right? I usually don't sleep much during the week and sleep in late on Saturday - but this was ridiculous. I think I must have slept so much because I didn't get any extra sleep the weekend before - not to mention the fact that the kids wore me out.

Saturday night (basically right after I woke up), I went over to Jayme's house for a party. It was fun and provided a much-needed release after the week I'd had.

Jayme, me, Christin

Sorry there aren't more pictures. I left my camera on the table and told everyone to feel free to take pictures with it. They didn't.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain - at least the neck pain part... I remember that chiropractor move, as well. Frankly it always freaked me out. Unfortunately I think I'm also in need of those services. I've had a headache for the past few days and just realized today that I have a knot on the right side of my neck. Going from past experience, that's a pretty good indicator that my neck is out. Fortunately, there is a girl on my floor who is really good at giving massages, so I will probably be taking advantage of that later on tonight. :)