Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Still Getting Back into Blogging

K, let's try this again.

I'm not sure what else I was going to talk about in that last "to be continued" post. Besides teaching and running, the rest of my life is pretty standard. I buy groceries, clean my house, take out the garbage, pay my bills, watch movies, hang out with friends - pretty normal stuff, right?

But then again, because I'm living in Korea, this "normal stuff" can be slightly different from what you're used to. So here's my latest idea. I'm going to blog a video every Tuesday. These videos will contain bits of my normal, everyday life as a foreigner in Korea. Any thoughts? Ideas? Questions? Feel free to leave a comment with your two cents worth!

And without further ado, today's theme is...

Eating Out.. Korean Style - Part 1

Video Credits:
Starring: Marianna Willey
Filming and Narration: Veronica Navarro
Random Side Comments: Walter Demesa and Brittany Maxey


CDH said...

I cannot believe you ate that. I cannot believe you used the word "suctioning." If I didn't love you more than life itself, I would totally have PETA all over your ass. I just told Brian what I wrote here and he responded with "Why would you pee all over her ass?"

Chelsea said...

What was that? We were guessing octopus parts or maybe squid.

Devon and Regan say HI!

Devon likes your hair. She misses you a lot.

She is going to be 13 in 4 days. *sobs and sticks head back in the sand*

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you actually ate that stuff alive! I would have been throwing it up if I could even manage to get it in my mouth. Which I don't think I could. It looked disgusting. But, I have to say you have always been pretty adventurous.

Marianna said...

Hey guys! Happy to see all of the comments!! Even the Mom makes an appearance - wow! ;)
I'm eating live baby octopus in the video. I got it from a buffet line - they actually cut it up right there when you ask for it.
In Korean culture, it's supposed to be very good for your health. For men, it's specifically supposed to be good for virility! haha

Victoria said...

This is the coolest and most disgusting video ever. You win a lifetime supply of Victoria-props. Congratulations!