Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Neighborhood Tour

Today's video clip is a tour of my neighborhood. Please be forewarned that I am not a professional cinematographer and anyone susceptible to motion sickness might be better off skipping this week's video clip.



Chelsea said...

I just love your videos! And it wasn't too shakey at all.

BTW...Devon is now bugging me to let her come visit you.

CDH said...

I loved it!! It was great to hear your voice. I feel like I just hung out with you. That was great!! More Vimeos!! More Vimeos!! I'll try to do some myself. Our apartment/neighborhood, downtown, and my classroom! It'll be awesome. I miss you!! I can't wait for you to come back to the States and visit Indianapolis. ( :

CDH said...

BTW, you should blog more. I love your blogs. Besides, I can find something to blog about every day and I live in Indi-friggin-ana. Hello?! KOREA?! I was not a huge fan of the baby octopus consumption though. No more videos of eating living things. That was gwoss. (As my nephew would say)

Marianna said...

Yay!! I'm glad you guys liked it!
Chelsea - I would love to have Devon come visit me, but I'd be scared to have her fly that far by herself!
Christin - I'm excited to visit you, too! I know I should blog more- I've been trying to do it more regularly, but so far it hasn't worked! And right now I'm in the middle of grading essays - got about 40 left *groan* Then next week, intensives start. So I'm thinking the whole more-frequent-blogging thing won't start anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

I love your videos too, yay!! You also need to come visit me in Tulsa. I believe you and mom are the only ones in the fam who haven't seen my school yet...

Anonymous said...

Mari-nana I miss you. We need to skype...or iChat :) Send me your info and we can set up a time yo!!