Sunday, October 02, 2005

Highway robbery

As I mentioned already, classes started last week. So, the first day of classes, I bought my textbooks. As you can see from the picture, I don't have too many books and they aren't very big. My back is really going to appreciate that. That's not why I took the picture, though. I took the picture for anyone wondering what $200 worth of books looks like. There it is. Yes, that's right, I spent just under $200 on that small stack of books. Do you know how much clothing I could have bought with that money? *sigh* Question of the day: What is the most you have spent at one time on books(textbooks or otherwise)?

That was the end of the post, but I just had a random thought: Remember when you were in elementary school and the teacher would pass out those little book catalogs that you could order from? How cool was that? I was always anxious to see how many books I could convince my mom to buy for me. Then the teacher would get all of the books in and you couldn't wait for her to give you yours. Fun times.


Anonymous said...

dude- i remember those little catalogitos. they were wonderful. and i'd always want the random bookmarks and crap. and the lisa frank folders and pencils and rulers and unicorn erasers. oh yeah. - victoria

Anonymous said...

yes i would eat the moon if it were made of spare ribs. i'd eat the whole thing. in fact- i'd eat the moon and all the stars, especially if the stars tasted like little corns. yes baby corns. like the kind you get in chinese food. i always loved those baby corns. i'd love to come to seattle- i like rain.

Anonymous said...

third thing- i noticed the tablecloth on the table is the same one you had in spain. is this true? or did you buy another one sorta like it? or am i making all of this up?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, babe, you're making it all up. That one was green. Thanks for all the input, though! Hooray for comments!

Anonymous said...

Victorino, you are one weird kid. Maz, you spent a lot on books. Together we make - weird English guy who spends a lot on books.

I'm leaving.

I miss you both.


Marianna said...

Aww, I miss you too. Would the weird English guy who spends a lot on books be named Mattiannarino?

Anonymous said...

Hey Marianna,
Yeah that seems like a lot of money for eight books. But I love books so I would probably make some excuse to make myself feel better about spending $200 on books. Just look at it as a small investment to your future. Your childrens' children will thank you.
That's all for now.

P.S. I watch too much Veggie Tales.

Marianna said...

You know what's even worse? I changed my class schedule and returned the 3 little yellow books for a sum total of $16, only to buy 3 more books which cost $70. Sad, huh? I love books, too, but these aren't really books. They're textbooks. Who can get excited over a book called "Gender and Citizenship"? I had to make a presentation and lead discussion on 3 chapters from said book today. I probably read it all at least 10 times because it was so boring that after the first couple of sentences my mind would wander and I didn't remember anything.

Anonymous said...

I had to pay about $450 for my books this semester, so I don't feel to bad for you. Sorry!