Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I want my weekends back :(

I'm tired. School has started and I've added a full-time class schedule to a full-time job (I've been averaging about 35 hours per week lately). I usually work on the weekends and have two days off during the week, but now that I have classes during the week - they won't really be days off. However, since I don't have classes Tuesday or Thursday, I'm hoping to have one day off most weeks. This week I have 3 presentations to make (two by myself and one with a group) and a quiz. So much for starting out slow. Anyway, I was trying really hard to save tomorrow so that I can relax at home and get my homework caught up for the week. But I just found out that the only time everyone else in my group can meet is tomorrow. So now I have to spend 2 1/2 hours commuting to and from campus just to work on this group presentation. Wah. Yeah, that's right, I said, "Wah." Go ahead, call the Wambulance. I don't care. And yes, I would like some cheese with my whine. I may not get to relax tomorrow, but I'm gonna have a pity party tonight!


Anonymous said...

you know what. i empathize with you. i have an exam tomorrow and an exam thursday cuz my stupid school decided that maybe it would be better two have two sets of midterms. maybe they should realize that the prefix -mid- can really mean only one thing. ITS GOTTA BE IN THE MIDDLE. MID=MIDDLE. not that hard. ACH! but do they care? no, because really, no one speaks english anymore. do they?

Victoria said...

hey guess what.i got a blog that isnt livejournal! now im cool!