Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Way I See It

For anyone who frequents Starbucks, or even just drops in once in a while, you are probably somewhat familiar with the little blurbs that now appear on the sides of the cups. They are little quotes on a wide range of topics from a wide range of people. Some of these have ignited a fair share of controversy.

It has sort of become a habit of mine to read these little quotes as I drink my caramel macchiato on my break. Generally, I find them to be overly sappy, pseudo-profound, and/or simply annoying. However, I read one recently that brought a smile to my face. I instantly sprang out of my seat and quickly got the attention of the baristas that happened to be working so that I could share this quote with them. I was truly impressed that Starbucks had finally managed to find that vital ingredient to a quote-worthy quote...sarcasm. I present to you the pièce de résistance:

The Way I See It #103

For all those parents who wonder, How do I get my kids to read? – here’s a simple, earth-shaking notion: give them a book. For gosh sakes, give them a couple books.

-- James Patterson

And it's so true.