Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I study on campus to avoid distractions?

As I have mentioned to some of you already, I've basically moved in to the library at the UW. My senior thesis is due in six days, and I still have a lot of work to do. I find that I generally get a lot more done when I study on campus because, for one thing, the library atmosphere is much more conducive to studying than my apartment is.

This is not always the case.

There is usually a low buzz of student conversation in the Odegaard library, the one I'm currently studying in. However, a few hours ago, that buzz grew to a steady hum. As I looked around to figure out what was going on, I thought I caught the word "police," then I heard the unmistakable squawk of a police radio. A group of students sitting next to me decided that one of them should go to the desk and figure out what was going on, otherwise, all hope of accomplishing anything was lost. When the messengerboy returned from his errand, I discovered that there had been a shooting on the Ave and the police were checking to see if the suspect had entered the library. He hadn't. And I wasn't scared, anyway. Things like this don't usually scare me, I stay as cool as a cucumber. Except for this one time, I was almost attacked by a squirrel...

Anyway, here's the full story.


Marianna said...

Oh, I'm coming home, alright. In about 4 weeks! Yay!