Monday, April 18, 2005

The people have spoken

In response to an influx of requests for conversation-encouraging posts, I submit the following picture: Black hairy tongue 

Posted by Hello

Well, to be honest, the "influx of requests" was actually one request from my brother. But I guess that just proves how sensitive I am to the desires of my public (which is likely comprised of about 4 people). At any rate, I have enjoyed this picture immensely from the first time I saw it- that is, once I stopped gagging. It is for this reason that I took it upon myself to share this wondrous image with all 4 of you. I hope you and yours enjoy it as much as I have.

You're probably wondering what exactly causes black hairy tongue. The answer is simple. It is one of the lesser-known initial stages of transformation into a werewolf. Generally only a temporary occurrence, this often takes place when the subject is bald. The reason for this is that with the onset of baldness, hair follicles in the head close up. As I'm sure you are already aware, when a person turns into a werewolf, the amount of hair on his/her body multiplies exponentially. Because it is such a struggle for this newly-grown hair to sprout out of a bald person's head, some hair is often rerouted to the tongue. This usually only happens on the first full moon. After that, the follicles have been forcibly reopened and the way is cleared for emerging werewolf hair. So there you have it. If you ever look in the mirror and discover that you have a black hairy tongue, you'll know that you're in the first stages of becoming a werewolf.


Anonymous said...

That is the most disgusting picture I've ever seen! I cant' believe you posted that on here!