Thursday, December 03, 2009

"Mom, you'll never believe what I had to do when I went to the United States!"

It has been ages since I've blogged. I know this. You know this. If right now you're saying, "No, Marianna. I do not know this." Look at the blog below this one, friend- it has been over a year.

Why have I neglected this blog for so long? It basically comes down to three things:

1)Lack of inspiration/blogworthy events

2)Being busy with other things


Now, each one of these things contributes on some level to my own personal lack of blogs. However, I think the main issue is reason number one.

I feel very strongly about this. And I'll tell you why.

But first, let me remind you of how long it has been since I blogged: 1 year, 3 months, and 3 weeks. I have gone from Frequent Blogger to Occasional Blogger to Blogger-Who-Hasn't-Blogged-In-A-Long-Time-And-Really-Needs-To-Get-Her-Act-Together, and finally, to Former Blogger.

However, there's a chance I may return to Occasional Blogger status. I am currently working with an international student exchange program and I supervise university students who come to the US to work during their summer break. And now we have come full circle - reason number one: blogworthy events.

Today, I came across a scene so blogworthy, I was inspired - nay - compelled to blog about it. Let me explain.

There are currently 15 students living in a 3400 sq. ft., 5 br house here in town. They have all moved in over the last two weeks. There have been some heating issues at the house, so they have been using radiators along with the furnace. The house also has two wood stoves. Today, someone brought by some firewood for them to use. I had spoken with the landlord about the heating and some other issues, and I went over to the house to meet him at around 4:30 this afternoon.

When I walked into the house, I saw one of the students standing next to the wood stove in the living room. He had work gloves on, but no shirt. There was a nice fire burning in the fireplace, which you could see clearly, as the door had been taken off and was lying on the hearth. Also on the hearth, were a couple chunks of wood, a large butcher knife, a cardboard box containing small kindling-esque pieces of wood, and tiny bits of wood covering everything on the hearth and the carpet in front of it. Are you picturing it? It was ridicularious!*

Me: Uhh.. what happened to the stove?

Student:We started a fire.

Me:Is there something wrong with the door?

Student:I took it off.

Me:Can you put it back on?

Student:Yes, but then the heat can't come out.

I'm not kidding- that was the conversation. And here is the explanation for the comic scene I stumbled upon:

- The students wanted to start a fire, but they didn't have any kindling. Nor did they have an axe. Hence the butcher knife.

- However, carrying in a bunch of firewood and hacking it up with a butcher knife is a good way to get splinters. Hence the gloves.

- As you can imagine, without the door on the stove, that fire was burning pretty hot. Hence the shirtlessness.

I'm still not really sure why they chose to butcher the wood inside the house, rather than outside. I'm also not clear on why they thought you had to take the stove door off in order to let the heat out. But in a way, the rest of it makes sense. Doesn't make it any less funny, though.

*ridiculous and hilarious. Yes, I did just make that up.


ParypaFam said...

Lol, that is hillarious. No one ever said your job would be boring, now did they... ;o)