Thursday, May 10, 2007

Meine Geburtstag

Thank you, everyone, for all of the birthday wishes! I had a great birthday on Monday. After spending my last birthday in Odegaard (the huge UW undergrad library) working on my thesis - anything would have been an improvement! But it was really a good day.

I went out to lunch with my girls (behind me is Christin, next to me is Jayme, and behind her is Tomina - we're all nannies and we go to the same church) - we had "Moroccan" food. The food was good, but it wasn't really similar to anything I actually ate in Morocco... I was really hoping for some tagine. But I did get chocolate cake with peanut butter cups, so I'm not complaining!!

Later, I got more cake and way too many presents from my boss. Then I met up with my girls again! This time, a couple of my dance friends were able to come, too.

Annie is the one in the back corner, and Bea is in front.

I had more cake.

Then, Tomina and I tied the knot*.

All in all, it was a good day.

*Seriously, though, it looks like we're tying a knot, right? Now we know where the expression comes from...


Anonymous said...

Mari!!! I miss you!!! When are you coming home?

Chelsea said...

So I'm hoping you aren't TOO mad about me stealing your picture? I miss you too and hope you come home SOON!!