Thursday, August 25, 2005

What's wrong with this picture?

When my alarm went off this morning, I woke up feeling that something wasn't right. Then I realized what that feeling was: It was 2:30 in the morning and I was getting up. Well, technically I was pressing the snooze bar- but, hey. Today I worked the opening shift at Starbucks and I had to be there at 4:00 am. The Starbucks where I work opens at 4:30 am. I informed my coworkers this morning that that's too early, and we're going to change it to 8 am. Yeah right. Actually, I open again tomorrow. But on the bright side, it means I get to put in a full day and still be off work by 12:30. Still, taking a lunch break at 8:00 am does feel weird.

Today was my first full day actually training on the floor. As with any new job, it seems like there is an overwhelming amount of information that will take about 12 years (or sometimes as much as eleventy billion years - depending on the person) to learn. But most of the customers have been patient and my coworkers have been helpful and I know as time goes by I'll improve. I am enjoying the job and definitely taking advantage of the free beverages. Today, for example, I had two Iced Caramel Macchiatos, a Strawberries and Cream Frappucino, and an Iced Mocha Valencia. Yeah, it sounds like a lot, but it's really just one drink each break and one after work. If it weren't for the fact that I opened, I probably would have had another one before I started work. So in conclusion, it's not that much. Okay, I lied, it's a ton and I'm wigging. Okay, I lied, I'm not really wigging, my body is used to caffeine overload; I'm just weird. I gotta go, though. I went home for a couple days and brought a ton of stuff back with me (I know that seems hard to believe- 2,000 lbs is a lot. But somehow it all fit in my brother's Jeep Cherokee). Because of my work schedule, I haven't had time to put everything away and clean up since I got back. So I think I'm going to go take advantage of the next couple of hours to clean, before I need to go to bed again!

One more thing, I'm going to use my brother's technique for getting feedback. The question of the day is: What is the earliest you have gotten up in the morning for work or some other commitment? The alternative question (I'm listing 2 questions to improve the odds of getting feedback) of the day is: Would you rather work early or late? Why?


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world. Although I don't have to be to work until 4:30 I do have to drive up to Olympia to get to work. For those of you that don't live here, it takes approx. 15 to 30 min. depending on how fast you drive. :) I generally get up somewhere between 3:00 and 3:18. That's a tough question on what time I would like to work though. It's nice getting off at one and not having to worry about a lot of traffic when I'm going to work but it definitely presents problems with try to have a social life. Nights would probably be cool, because then you could work when everyone is sleeping and sleep when everyone is working... :)

Anonymous said...

oops! I meant to edit this before I posted it, please forgive the grammatical errors!

Anonymous said...

Marianna! Sweet site! Man, I would rather work early. Right now I start at 9am and that is the perfect time! I still get off on time to have a social life and can sleep in long enough where I can stay out pretty late and still survive. And having worked a few waitressing jobs, where it was always the "dinner" shift, I've found out that I dont' get much done having those shifts. Because I know I can sleep in til late so I do, and I am always anticipating having to go to work so I hesitate to do anything that may take too long. Okay so I'm weird. But back to the first question...I'll separate the two; actually

Anonymous said...

Actually Kelly, I in fact did something similar to that my first year in MC. I had a huge paper due for a berean course we were taking and I kept putting off doing it. So the night before it was due I stayed up until curfew, then I got up at 3:00 am and finished it. I thought it was a piece of junk but I actually got a pretty good grade on it. :) However, I was pretty much worthless for the entire day because I was so tired. :)

Anonymous said...

See Marianna, the question of the day does work! Of course you know my answer to #2. NIGHTS!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Thanks for the comments, guys!
Jess: I don't know how you do it 5 days a week. I'm not sure which feels weirder- going to bed at 6 pm or getting up at 2:30 am. I agree with you about the overnight thing. I liked working nights before, except for the fact that I had to leave for work around 9:30 pm and that sometimes cramped my social life. Also, you're forgiven for the grammatical errors ;)
Kel to the "E": Yay! I'm glad you like my blog :) I must say, I commend you for actually going to bed the night before you went to Scotland, even though you had to get up at 2 am. I've flown to Europe at least 7-8 times now, and I don't think I ever managed to go to bed the night before! As far as writing an essay at 3:30 am, I've done that many times. However, that's because I'm up late - not early. I wouldn't even think of getting up that early to write an essay - I would be a mess!
Aunt Damelee: Hooray! You were right! I never would have guessed you were a night person ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello Marianna!!
At this point I have to work in the evenings so Nathan and I can do a switch off with the kids. If that was not the case, I would enjoy working in the mornings, not too early though. Then you get off early and don't miss anything that is going on at night and you can have dinner with your family.

Good to hear from you. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mari!
I'm definitely gonna have to go with Kelly on this one. 9 or maybe 10 is just about right 'cause then you have to get up, but you don't have to get up too early but you don't get off too late either. By the way, if this isn't coherent it's 'cause I just got back from another weekend trip which means yet another overnight train trying to sleep in a seat. :) Bet that brings back even more memories, huh. :) I think the earliest I've ever gotten up was around 3 and that was for a trip but I don't remember which one right now. :) Anyways, good luck with the new work schedule. Miss you!